知識線 環球旅行篇 桌上遊戲 (中文版) Cardline Globetrotte 知識線 環球旅行篇 桌上遊戲 (中文版) Cardline Globetrotte

知識線 環球旅行篇 桌上遊戲 (中文版) Cardline Globetrotte

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600.00 NT$ 630.00 NT$ 630.0 TWD

600.00 NT$

Language: Chinese Traditional
Number of Players: 2-8
Age: 7+
Duration: 10
游戏名:知识线 环球旅行篇
法国的人口是澳大利亚的几倍?美国的国土又是德国的几倍?这一切问题的答案尽在知识线 环球旅行篇

Cardline: Globetrotter
2-8 Players
For 10 minutes
Age: 10+
Cardline Globetrotter is a game combining play and know. It includes 108 cards of all different countries in the world. You can compare each other’s size, population, GDP and carbon emission. The starting player will decide which data to compare this round. And other players need to put the cards on the table in a correct order. The first player that player all cards in hand is the winner!
Do you know how large is france? How many people are there in Australia? Find the answer in Cardline Globetrotter.

哪一個國家領土比較大,智利或瑞典呢? 肯亞的環境汙染有比法國嚴重嗎? 課本上不一定會知道的知識,在《知識線環球:旅行篇》裡,將會打破你的眼鏡,大吃一驚呢! 立體浮雕的金屬收納盒,收納容易又簡潔,讓你走到哪、玩到哪!

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